Day 25: Monday Night

Tonight my husband and I hosted a dinner for our landlords. They are a couple from the church we used to attend and they’re super kind and sweet. She is gluten free so the menu tonight was spaghetti squash with a ground turkey tomato basil sauce with some broccoli and gluten free cookies and ice cream for dessert!

It was such a sweet night in community. They brought their dog and we had our pup so they played and played for hours. As I type this, Camper is snuggled between my legs under the covers. My husband is strumming his guitar and I’m resting after a night of both hosting AND packing!

Tomorrow I leave for Maine. My best friend lives there and I cannot wait to see her. The rest of my posts will likely be about her and our adventures together. Honestly we’ve already done the super touristy things together so it’s likely our days will consist of gossip, food, and Netflix…but I’m not complaining.

My next post will be from Maine! (or the airport…)

2 thoughts on “Day 25: Monday Night

  1. Maine! It’s still cold up here, so I hope you’ve packed a coat. Enjoy your time with your friend. I look forward to your posts about your Maine adventures!


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